Famous fruit has a scientific name Ficus Variegate which is a kind of fruit from the famous tree, this time it is a very famous tree very rarely can be found. You can find the famous tree in the area of nature reserves, forests or riverside, the famous tree is very fond of humid and vast areas. Like any other large tree species, the famous tree can survive up to tens of years and the average tree in its own nature ranges from 80 to even hundreds of years.
And just like other big trees, usually gondang tree planted because of its strong roots and able to resist the landslide and abrasion. Not only that is different if you see the benefits of fruit diblender, gondang wood also has economic value in the field of furniture, although it is a low level of wood. And usually the root of gondang tree is used as one of traditional medicine, besides because it taste sweet too many people who make it as base material of the making.
Starting from the roots to the wood can be utilized, as for the fruit tree gondang is gondang fruit that has an important role for the live tree gondang. Gondang trees can be cultivated and planted with gondang seeds. As for the characteristics of gondang fruit, this fruit is different from other fruit types that usually have fruit stalks. Gondang fruit does have a fruit tangakai but very short because the fruit tends to bergerumbun and stick to the trunk of the tree. In addition it turns out gondang fruit contains compounds that are important for your body.
Content of Gondang Fruit Nutrition
- Saponin
- Flavonoids
- Polyphenols
- Water
Not only stick to the stem but also the branch, as for the shape that tends to round and conical at the ends. The color is green and will be red if matured differently if you see the benefits of sweet potato leaves, the surface of the gondang itself is slightly rough-textured. In addition to its attractive form of gondang fruit has a lot of surprising benefits. For those of you who are curious about the benefits of gondang fruit, here we convey the information.
Benefits of Gondang Fruit
Diarrhea Drugs
Diarrhea is one of the digestive disorders that are often experienced by many people. Usually because of either eating or poisoning, to treat diarrhea itself there are actually a variety of ways ranging from taking medicine from a doctor to use natural and traditional ways. There is also the advantage of using the traditional way, because in general this way using herbal ingredients and can be taken easily from nature, then there are no side effects. Different if you consume drugs that sometimes tend to have a variety of long-term effects. To treat diarrhea alone you can use gondang fruit, and here's how:
- First provide gondang as much as 15 grams and wash with boiled water until clean.
- Then cut into small pieces, and prepare a pan of water equivalent to two glasses. After boiling enter the pieces of gondang fruit and wait up to 25 minutes.
- After 25 minutes, lift and then cool and do not forget to filter it. For how to serve it, pour on 2 glasses and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey.
- Drink a day 2 times in the morning and afternoon is different if you see the benefits of mustajab leaves, this way your diarrhea will heal within 1 to 2 days.
Overcoming Eczema
The eczema is a skin disease characterized by itching. Usually characteristic of this disease is often characterized by the appearance of rashes and small bumps that resemble smallpox. If you scratch the itchy skin aka the fluid tone that comes out of the bump. Eczema is a contagious disease especially when you are exposed to it. It would be very severe if the eczema was carded for itching and the lump could spread. The traditional way to overcome that is by drinking boiled water gondang fruit every day as much as 2 to 3 times a day.
That's the various benefits of gondang that we can convey is certainly different from the benefits of purple sweet potatoes for the diet, hopefully the above information can be useful and increase your knowledge.
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