Wednesday, February 28, 2018

When Baby Can Start Drinking Water?

When Baby Can Start Drinking Water? 

Doctors and health experts from different parts of the world do not recommend that babies drink water until they are even 6 months old. Even when the weather is hot, the baby will not get dehydrated even if only breastfed or formula.The right time for a baby to drink waterSome sips of water are not harmful, but consult a doctor before giving water for babies under 6 months.

Here's a guide for you to start when to give water to the baby.

From birth - 3 monthsNewborns should not be given white water because their small stomach can only accept milk. In addition, the provision of water in infants will disrupt the balance of electrolytes in the body and can affect brain function and heart.

4-6 monthsAlthough not harmful, giving water at this age is not recommended. According to the study, breast-fed infants do not require additional water intake, even in tropical places when temperatures above 37.7 ° C per day.Meanwhile, formula-fed infants may be allowed to drink water (about 1-2 ounces) when the weather is very hot. However, consult your doctor before giving your baby water. Remember! White water can not replace the role of breast milk, and formula milk should not be diluted with additional water.

5 - 7 monthsAt this age, the baby is able to hold objects and can learn to drink himself from the glass. Give the baby a special glass so he can sip water easily. Choose a glass that can hold about 4-6 ounces of water. Fill the water until it is full, so the baby does not need to tilt his head while drinking. A large, full glass of water may be too heavy for your baby to use. So use a smaller size and lightweight.Why baby should not drink water first?Giving drinking water can make baby's stomach bloated quickly. In the end, drinking water can reduce the desire to drink milk or formula so that the process of absorption of nutrients from milk can be disrupted.In addition, dr. Jennifer Anders from the Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital in Baltimore cautioned parents not to give water directly to infants at an early age. Eating too much water can put your baby at risk of water intoxication, and that can be fatal.Because the baby's kidney organs are not functioning properly. If babies drink too much water, their bodies can release too much salt along with the water they drink. This imbalance of body fluids will interfere with brain activity. The earliest symptoms that appear are usually drowsy and weak. Other water poisoning symptoms include low body temperature, swollen body (usually on the face), until seizures.

Breast milk is the most important intake for infants

Breast milk is a very good baby intake for baby growth. Breast milk contains vitamins, fats, proteins and all the nutrients your body needs. Thus, breastfeeding in infants, from birth to age 2 years is an important thing as much as possible given the mother to her baby.Breast milk for baby's body is also more easily digested than formula milk. Breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby fight viruses and bacteria. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of a baby suffering from asthma or allergies.Plus, infants exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months are more immune to ear infections, respiratory diseases such as asthma, and diarrheal attacks. It is okay to give water to the baby, but based on the advice above, better water given when he was able to consume MPASI.

5 Benefits of Drinking Water

Did you know that 50% more of our body is made up of water? Without water, we can not maintain normal body temperature, lubricate the joints, or dispose of unused substances in the body through sweat, urine, and large water.

5 Benefits of Drinking Water

Medically, our bodies need water or fluids that are useful for processing digestion, absorption of substances or food content for energy, blood circulation or digestion and others, transporting nutrients, producing liquids or saliva, and maintaining body temperature.
We need lots of water to keep the body from being dehydrated or lacking water, which can cause the body to weaken, weak muscles and cramps, unfocused, increase the risk of heat exhaustion, and even stroke!

How much should we drink water? Not 8 glasses per day

As explained in WebMD, generally we often listen to advice or articles that we need to drink water as much as 8 glasses of water every day, which is equivalent to 1.5 liters. However, the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board recommends that women actually require 2.6 liters of water daily and men need about 3.7 liters daily.
You can get enough water coverage daily by drinking water and consuming liquids such as soups and soft drinks, along with fruits and vegetables that contain water. Do not forget also, when you exercise or run, you will need more water, before, when, and after doing so.
In addition to every day we need the appropriate water intake recommended by the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board, there are some other facts you need to know why we need to drink lots of water, as reported by below:

Generating muscle
Muscle cells that lack sufficient fluid will not be able to maintain fluids and electrolytes, so the muscles will be tired. The muscle will not function properly and its ability will decrease. We also need plenty of water during exercise, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. Some experts from the campus recommend that we should drink 0.5 liters of water, 2 hours before starting exercising.

Keep skin radiant
Our skin actually contains a lot of water, which serves as a bulwark to prevent excessive loss of body fluids. However, do not expect excess body fluids can be a powerful way to remove wrinkles from the lines on the skin.

Controlling calories
Drink plenty of water is usually done people who are dieting to lose weight. Although the effect is not direct, using water as a substitute for high-calorie drinks will certainly be very helpful.
"The diet program will work if you choose water or non-calorie beverages instead of calorie drinks. Then, a diet with healthier liquid foods will help you cut calories, "said University of Pennsylvania researcher and author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan, Barbara Rolls PhD.

Maintain kidney functionBody fluids are the "means" of transportation of waste or waste that goes in and out of the cell. The main toxin in the body is blood urea nitrogen, a type of fluid that can pass through the kidneys to then be processed and expelled in the form of urine. When the body fluids are sufficient, the urine will flow free, clear, and odor-free. When body fluids are not enough, the concentration of urine, color, and smell will be more noticeable because the kidneys have to absorb extra fluid to perform its function. This is why if we drink less water, your risk of kidney stones will increase, especially in hot or warm climates.

Maintains normal bowel function
When we drink enough water, the food we consume can smoothly pass through the digestive tract and prevent the occurrence of constipation. However, if our water consumption is not enough, the intestines will absorb fluid from feces or faeces to keep the body hydrated, so we will be difficult to defecate.

Benefits of Spinach for Health Is Important To Know

Benefits of Spinach for Health

Benefits of Spinach for Health

Spinach is one of the green types and is known to be a vegetable that has an important source of iron. This vegetable has all the nutrients needed for the body of calcium, protein, fiber, folate, magnesium, manganese, source of vitamin K and vitamin A. Thanks to these contents make the benefits of spinach vegetables including green vegetables full of nutritious.
Benefits of Spinach
The content of this vegetable spinach can be used to improve the quality of our health by consuming it daily. Below will explain some of the benefits of spinach for health of the body.10 Benefits and Efficacy of Spinach for the Human Body

Fighting Cancer Cells
In the paying vegetables contain flavonoids, folic acid, fiber, vitamin C and vitamin A has a function to fight cancer cells. For the content of these spinach can reduce the threat of cancer threats, especially stomach cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer and uterine cancer.

Improve Vision
Spinach is a source of vitamin A and it is very effective for improving eyesight.

Can Be Healthy Heart
Unhealthy lifestyle can lead to heart disease and have a great risk of heart attack. So try to eat spinach to avoid heart attacks. All these nutrients make the benefits of spinach vegetables can make the heart's organs to be more protected health at all times.

Avoiding Diabetes
The content of magnesium contained in spinach has a benefit to improve in avoiding complications arising seseudah diabtes disease. By eating these vegetables regularly will support to avoid from fluctuating too much and can balance blood sugar.

Improve Memory and Protect Brain Health
With increasing age, then the power to remind anything will decrease. To increase memory and protect the health of the brain simply by eating spinach regularly can be the right choice.

Strengthens Joints and Bones
In the properties of spinach vegetables contain calcium that can strengthen the entire bone in the body. So as to reduce osteoporosis and can prevent osteoporosis from now by consuming spinach regularly.

Protecting the Digestive System
Spinach vegetables have abundant fiber content and very precisely protect the digestive system in the body to stay healthy.

Avoiding Anemia Disease
Spinach is a very effective source of iron. Iron is needed to avoid anemia and serves to multiply or regenerate red blood cells, thus avoiding anemia.

Make Your Skin Healthy
Efficacy of spinach vegetables which furthermore is able to nourish the skin. Because spinach has abundant vitamin A content that can make skin look healthier and can be good moisture retention for the epidermis which at the end can fight keratisasi, jerawaym psoriasis and wrinkles.

Beneficial In Growth Period
Spinach that has mineral and iron content is very effective in the growth of adolescent children. Not only that, this vegetable is also good for women who are coming months. Spinach is rich in calorie content such as avoid cholesterol and low fat than red meat.
Also read about the Natural Benefits of Oil Pecan.
Thus the explanation of the benefits of spinach for the health of the body by consuming spinach vegetables containing magnesium, vitamin A, and minerals are abundant so it can nourish the body.

Eat Garlic in the Morning Before Breakfast, The Result Is Shocking

Garlic not only can makes it delicious cuisine, but also useful for the health of the human body. One way that can be done to get a healthy benefit of garlic is to eat it raw in the morning.

Launched page Boldsky, Sunday (16/07/2017) eat one clove of garlic in the morning, especially when the stomach is empty will be good for health. Good content in garlic can destroy the bad bacteria that exist in the body.


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Eating garlic in this way can also increase body strength and create natural antibiotics. Routine consumption of raw garlic every morning will relieve symptoms of hypertension, blood circulation, prevent heart problems and stimulate liver function also bladder.

For those of you who are experiencing diarrhea, garlic is also efficacious handle the problem. Not only healthy stomach, even garlic can also stimulate the appetite and improve digestion.

In ancient times, garlic is also believed to handle stress levels and detoxify the body.

However, for those of you who have serious health problems such as gastric ulcer or other health disorders, you should consult with your doctor before trying this kind of natural home remedies. You may not be advised to eat raw garlic in an empty stomach condition. Similarly, you are in the process of certain medications.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Benefits of Gondang fruit that is not known to many people

There are many types of fruit that you can find on the market ranging from malls to street stalls. Usually the type of fruit is very familiar and much preferred by different people if you see how the use of rice water for facial acne, but from all kinds of fruit, there are still many types of fruit that has not been widely known. One type of fruit that is only known by some people, namely fruit gondang, in terms of name alone is inviting a lot of questions. For those of you who are curious as to how and how gondang, here we say a little explanation.

Benefits of Gondang fruit that is not known to many people

Famous fruit has a scientific name Ficus Variegate which is a kind of fruit from the famous tree, this time it is a very famous tree very rarely can be found. You can find the famous tree in the area of ​​nature reserves, forests or riverside, the famous tree is very fond of humid and vast areas. Like any other large tree species, the famous tree can survive up to tens of years and the average tree in its own nature ranges from 80 to even hundreds of years.
And just like other big trees, usually gondang tree planted because of its strong roots and able to resist the landslide and abrasion. Not only that is different if you see the benefits of fruit diblender, gondang wood also has economic value in the field of furniture, although it is a low level of wood. And usually the root of gondang tree is used as one of traditional medicine, besides because it taste sweet too many people who make it as base material of the making.
Starting from the roots to the wood can be utilized, as for the fruit tree gondang is gondang fruit that has an important role for the live tree gondang. Gondang trees can be cultivated and planted with gondang seeds. As for the characteristics of gondang fruit, this fruit is different from other fruit types that usually have fruit stalks. Gondang fruit does have a fruit tangakai but very short because the fruit tends to bergerumbun and stick to the trunk of the tree. In addition it turns out gondang fruit contains compounds that are important for your body.
Content of Gondang Fruit Nutrition

  1.     Saponin
  2.     Flavonoids
  3.     Polyphenols
  4.     Water

Not only stick to the stem but also the branch, as for the shape that tends to round and conical at the ends. The color is green and will be red if matured differently if you see the benefits of sweet potato leaves, the surface of the gondang itself is slightly rough-textured. In addition to its attractive form of gondang fruit has a lot of surprising benefits. For those of you who are curious about the benefits of gondang fruit, here we convey the information.
Benefits of Gondang Fruit

Diarrhea Drugs
Diarrhea is one of the digestive disorders that are often experienced by many people. Usually because of either eating or poisoning, to treat diarrhea itself there are actually a variety of ways ranging from taking medicine from a doctor to use natural and traditional ways. There is also the advantage of using the traditional way, because in general this way using herbal ingredients and can be taken easily from nature, then there are no side effects. Different if you consume drugs that sometimes tend to have a variety of long-term effects. To treat diarrhea alone you can use gondang fruit, and here's how:

  •  First provide gondang as much as 15 grams and wash with boiled water until clean.
  •     Then cut into small pieces, and prepare a pan of water equivalent to two glasses. After boiling enter the pieces of gondang fruit and wait up to 25 minutes.
  •     After 25 minutes, lift and then cool and do not forget to filter it. For how to serve it, pour on 2 glasses and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey.
  •     Drink a day 2 times in the morning and afternoon is different if you see the benefits of mustajab leaves, this way your diarrhea will heal within 1 to 2 days.

Overcoming Eczema
The eczema is a skin disease characterized by itching. Usually characteristic of this disease is often characterized by the appearance of rashes and small bumps that resemble smallpox. If you scratch the itchy skin aka the fluid tone that comes out of the bump. Eczema is a contagious disease especially when you are exposed to it. It would be very severe if the eczema was carded for itching and the lump could spread. The traditional way to overcome that is by drinking boiled water gondang fruit every day as much as 2 to 3 times a day.
That's the various benefits of gondang that we can convey is certainly different from the benefits of purple sweet potatoes for the diet, hopefully the above information can be useful and increase your knowledge.

Benefits of Salmon Fish for Heart Healthy and Disease-Free

Salmon has long been known as a source of protein and a variety of other important nutrients that are very good for health. There are many benefits of salmon in supporting the health of the body from eye health, immunity, stabilizing blood sugar levels, muscle growth, bone health, health of the nervous system, the benefits of salmon to diet, to heart health. Yes, the consumption of salmon has a positive impact on heart health which is a vital organ in the human body.
As a vital organ the primary function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body so that one of the indicators or signs of life is the presence of a heartbeat. If the heart has stopped beating means someone has died. Blood pumped by the heart carries oxygen and nutrients throughout the body so that various cells, tissues, and organs get enough oxygen and juice intake.

The content of Salmon Fish Nutrition

Various benefits above include the benefits of salmon for the heart is supported by a variety of nutritional content beneficial to the body including the benefits of protein, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, the benefits of vitamin A, the benefits of vitamin E, vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus benefits, zinc, iron benefits, and magnesium benefits. This diverse combination of nutrients makes the salmon as one of the best food sources for health so it is much liked and is quite expensive in the market.
Benefits of Salmon Fish for the Heart
The benefits of salmon for the heart is mainly supported by the content of omega-3 fatty acids are known to be useful for lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood. Although the benefits of cholesterol are needed by the body but are only needed in certain levels and from good cholesterol type (HDL). The high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood during this time is seen as one of the causes of various disorders of the heart so it is important to maintain food intake. Control of cholesterol in the blood can also be obtained with the benefits of carp, the benefits of chickpeas for cholesterol, or the benefits of okra fruit.
The benefits of salmon for the heart also play a role in controlling blood pressure that has a major impact on heart health. With stable blood pressure makes the heart work normally and does not need to work too hard. Another case if the blood pressure is not controlled and rises so the heart must work hard to pump blood that ultimately affects heart health. Stable blood pressure can also be obtained by consuming several foods such as cucumber benefits for hypertension, the benefits of beluntas leaves for hypertension, or pare benefits for hypertension.
Benefits of salmon for the heart also plays a role in preventing arterosclerosis or hardening of the arteries thus preventing you from the risk of heart attack. Hardening of the arteries or blood vessels from the heart to the rest of the body causes inhibition of blood flow even if it is too severe can inhibit blood flow as a whole so that fatal to health. In addition to salmon there are some other foods that are also good to prevent ateroklerosis such as benefits of matsutake mushrooms, yellow melon benefits, or benefits of purple chili.
Very useful is not it? Nevertheless there are still many people who complain about the high price of salmon so it is not possible to consume in sufficient quantities. Even if it can at best only occasionally. Especially considering the economic level of some people who are not prosperous Indonesia. For that there are some other food recommendations that are good for the heart that can be an alternative such as the benefits of avocado for the heart, the benefits of honey for the heart, and the benefits of peanuts for the heart. So let's start living healthy from now on.