Here's a guide for you to start when to give water to the baby.
From birth - 3 monthsNewborns should not be given white water because their small stomach can only accept milk. In addition, the provision of water in infants will disrupt the balance of electrolytes in the body and can affect brain function and heart.
4-6 monthsAlthough not harmful, giving water at this age is not recommended. According to the study, breast-fed infants do not require additional water intake, even in tropical places when temperatures above 37.7 ° C per day.Meanwhile, formula-fed infants may be allowed to drink water (about 1-2 ounces) when the weather is very hot. However, consult your doctor before giving your baby water. Remember! White water can not replace the role of breast milk, and formula milk should not be diluted with additional water.
5 - 7 monthsAt this age, the baby is able to hold objects and can learn to drink himself from the glass. Give the baby a special glass so he can sip water easily. Choose a glass that can hold about 4-6 ounces of water. Fill the water until it is full, so the baby does not need to tilt his head while drinking. A large, full glass of water may be too heavy for your baby to use. So use a smaller size and lightweight.Why baby should not drink water first?Giving drinking water can make baby's stomach bloated quickly. In the end, drinking water can reduce the desire to drink milk or formula so that the process of absorption of nutrients from milk can be disrupted.In addition, dr. Jennifer Anders from the Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital in Baltimore cautioned parents not to give water directly to infants at an early age. Eating too much water can put your baby at risk of water intoxication, and that can be fatal.Because the baby's kidney organs are not functioning properly. If babies drink too much water, their bodies can release too much salt along with the water they drink. This imbalance of body fluids will interfere with brain activity. The earliest symptoms that appear are usually drowsy and weak. Other water poisoning symptoms include low body temperature, swollen body (usually on the face), until seizures.
Breast milk is the most important intake for infants
Breast milk is a very good baby intake for baby growth. Breast milk contains vitamins, fats, proteins and all the nutrients your body needs. Thus, breastfeeding in infants, from birth to age 2 years is an important thing as much as possible given the mother to her baby.Breast milk for baby's body is also more easily digested than formula milk. Breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby fight viruses and bacteria. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of a baby suffering from asthma or allergies.Plus, infants exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months are more immune to ear infections, respiratory diseases such as asthma, and diarrheal attacks. It is okay to give water to the baby, but based on the advice above, better water given when he was able to consume MPASI.