Medically, our bodies need water or fluids that are useful for processing digestion, absorption of substances or food content for energy, blood circulation or digestion and others, transporting nutrients, producing liquids or saliva, and maintaining body temperature.
We need lots of water to keep the body from being dehydrated or lacking water, which can cause the body to weaken, weak muscles and cramps, unfocused, increase the risk of heat exhaustion, and even stroke!
How much should we drink water? Not 8 glasses per day
As explained in WebMD, generally we often listen to advice or articles that we need to drink water as much as 8 glasses of water every day, which is equivalent to 1.5 liters. However, the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board recommends that women actually require 2.6 liters of water daily and men need about 3.7 liters daily.
You can get enough water coverage daily by drinking water and consuming liquids such as soups and soft drinks, along with fruits and vegetables that contain water. Do not forget also, when you exercise or run, you will need more water, before, when, and after doing so.
In addition to every day we need the appropriate water intake recommended by the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board, there are some other facts you need to know why we need to drink lots of water, as reported by Kompas.com below:
Generating muscle
Muscle cells that lack sufficient fluid will not be able to maintain fluids and electrolytes, so the muscles will be tired. The muscle will not function properly and its ability will decrease. We also need plenty of water during exercise, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. Some experts from the campus recommend that we should drink 0.5 liters of water, 2 hours before starting exercising.
Keep skin radiant
Our skin actually contains a lot of water, which serves as a bulwark to prevent excessive loss of body fluids. However, do not expect excess body fluids can be a powerful way to remove wrinkles from the lines on the skin.
Controlling calories
Drink plenty of water is usually done people who are dieting to lose weight. Although the effect is not direct, using water as a substitute for high-calorie drinks will certainly be very helpful.
"The diet program will work if you choose water or non-calorie beverages instead of calorie drinks. Then, a diet with healthier liquid foods will help you cut calories, "said University of Pennsylvania researcher and author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan, Barbara Rolls PhD.
Maintain kidney functionBody fluids are the "means" of transportation of waste or waste that goes in and out of the cell. The main toxin in the body is blood urea nitrogen, a type of fluid that can pass through the kidneys to then be processed and expelled in the form of urine. When the body fluids are sufficient, the urine will flow free, clear, and odor-free. When body fluids are not enough, the concentration of urine, color, and smell will be more noticeable because the kidneys have to absorb extra fluid to perform its function. This is why if we drink less water, your risk of kidney stones will increase, especially in hot or warm climates.
Maintains normal bowel function
When we drink enough water, the food we consume can smoothly pass through the digestive tract and prevent the occurrence of constipation. However, if our water consumption is not enough, the intestines will absorb fluid from feces or faeces to keep the body hydrated, so we will be difficult to defecate.
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