Ginger, one of the natural ingredients that are often used to increase this appetite you can easily find until now is not it? Yes, dibanderol with affordable prices, temulawak apparently store a myriad of benefits for your body health. Wild Ginger combined with other herbs such as turmeric and even potent to overcome various diseases.
Learn more, here are some of the benefits of ginger for your physical fitness:
1. Prevent Cancer
It is common knowledge that cancer is the most risky killer in the world. Therefore, you should be wary. Fortunately for temulawak offers a safe solution for you. The content of antioxidants contained in it is able to protect the body from various cancer attacks and prevent you from abnormal cell growth.
2. Treating Fever
The next benefit of temulawak is to relieve the fever. Often you feel worried when your baby's body is hot and does not go down. If you have this, it is better you discard the first intention to give your baby the drug you buy from a pharmacy. Nothing wrong if you try to eliminate the fever in their body with temulawak.
In order for maximum results, you can add the herb with turmeric.
3. Suspecting Pain
Pain may already be a classic problem that you often encounter. Not only pain in certain parts, pain is also sometimes accompanied by inflammation, headache, and menstruation. But once again you do not have to rush and panic, take the ginger to overcome this problem that you face this.
Analgesic substances embedded in temulawak are suspected to be able to reduce pain effectively.
4. Curing Bird Flu
Who would have thought if the benefits of temulawak also able to finish the disease that had been a trending topic in Indonesia for several years ago? Recent research conducted at Airlangga University Surabaya found that the presence of curcumin in temulawak can lower levels of cytotoxins. While in people with bird flu, they experience an increase in cytotoxins that potentially damage the patient's cells.
To get the benefits of temulawak, there are two recipes that you can apply:
Boil 30 grams of temulawak, 60 grams of purslane, 30 grams of turmeric, and sambiloto 15 grams with water as much as 600 ml. Make sure you have washed all the ingredients beforehand. Wait until boiling boiling and leaving only 200 ml of water.
Turmeric 25 grams, temulawak 30 grams, sambiloto 15 grams, aloe vera without skin 90 grams, and 600 ml of water. Allow for a while until boiling and half boiled water remaining. Filter and drink.
5. Counteract Viruses and Germs
Your immune plays an important role in maintaining health. Body equipped with a good immune system will not be easily attacked by germs or harmful viruses.
Herbal ingredients are quite telling for you rely on is ginger. This rhizome has a compound that is imonustimulan, which will work to protect the body from disease and thicken your immune system.
6. Increase stamina
Benefits of temulawak also can you make an alternative to strengthen stamina. Temulawak mixed with turmeric will make your body more excited and not easily tired. This is because temulawak have a tonic that can prevent the body so as not to get tired easily.
The other plus points that you can get from temulawak is megobati stomach ulcers, jaundice, digestive disorders, hepatitis, and high cholesterol.
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