Saturday, March 10, 2018

bokeh china 4000 full video bokeh

Cassava leaves or cassava leaves have long been consumed by the people of Indonesia as a vegetable that can be processed by way of stir-fry, vegetable soup and also boiled for lalapan and various other vegetables. Cassava leaves are quite unique leaves which consume these leaves can increase one's appetite. The coarse texture of cassava leaves makes this plant very suitable to be processed into various types of cuisine. There are many nutrients contained in this cassava leaves are not only the benefits of cassava or cassava such as protein, fiber, carbohydrates, antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus, iron and some vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B17. Not only the bulb part of it that has many benefits and can be consumed, but the benefits of cassava leaves are also quite a lot of starting as food, external medicine and even cure internal diseases that some of them are dangerous diseases.

Treating Stroke

From a study that has been done by experts to prove if the leaves of cassava proved able to cure stroke. This is because the content of isoflavones in cassava leaves are indeed needed to treat stroke naturally.

Increase Body Resistance

High vitamin C content in cassava leaves can help in boosting the immune system as well as overall body health. The highest content of vitamin C is contained in cassava leaves and not the tuber so for you who love to exercise is recommended to consume this leaf.

Maintaining Eye 

HealthCassava leaves also contain high levels of vitamin A which is quite effective so consumed to maintain eye health. By consuming cassava leaves 3 times a week, then the health of your eyes will be well preserved.

Preventing Osteoporosis

Cassava leaves can also be consumed to prevent osteoporosis because it contains enough calcium and phosphorus therein. Both of these substances have an important role to maintain bone health and bone density.

Heals Wounds

The benefits of fiber and iron contained in cassava are also quite a lot where these two are needed to accelerate the wound healing process and also minimize the occurrence of scar tissue that usually arise after the wound healed.

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