Saturday, March 10, 2018

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Cabbage or cabbage has tremendous benefits in addition to healthy and delicious food. Cabbage also has long been consumed as an arthritis medicine, scabies, constipation, ulcers and other vitamin C deficiency diseases because cabbage is one of the vegetables that are high in vitamin C. Consuming cabbage is very good for improving body health such as wound healing and damaged tissue, the nervous and digestive system while keeping the weight stable. In addition, consuming cab also proved to have many benefits for the breasts, especially if the woman after the birth, especially the benefits of cabbage for breast as we will review the following.

Overcoming Pain When Breastfeeding

 While breastfeeding, women often feel uncomfortable and sick because the breasts are swollen and enlarged. This can happen at any time but most often occurs the first few days or weeks and after stopping breastfeeding. When giving birth, the body will begin to produce milk as the main food for babies and cabbage is a vegetable that has been used since long to reduce the pain and pain in the breast because it can soothe muscle muscles in the breast during breastfeeding.

Contains Antioxidants

 In cabbage contains sinigrin, glucosinolate which is a natural component. These two substances will release the benefits of antioxidants to cure the pain that occurs in your breast area.

Overcoming Swollen Breasts

 Another usefulness of cabbage for breast is to overcome breast swelling. For how to use it is to refine the cabbage using a blender and balurkan cauliflower on the breast for 30 minutes and repeat every 4 to 6 hours so that the breast swelling can be reduced.

Overcoming Fibrokistik

 The main symptoms that occur in fibrokistik is the emergence of a lump in the breast so that abnormalities occur between the two breasts causing discomfort and pain to the touch. In cabbage contains vitamin E is very good for controlling breast growth as well as overcome the symptoms of fibrocystic changes.

Controlling Estrogen Hormones

 One hormone that regulates breast growth is estrogen that triggers the proliferation of cells that form the glandular tissue in the breast. The content of vitamin E in cabbage is very good for regulating breast cell cells in response to estrogen so that breast growth can be maintained properly.

Prevent Breast Cancer

 In cabbage also contains vitamin A which is excellent beta carotene for breast cancer solution. Beta carotene is very effective for the prevention of breast cancer, in addition to the content of vitamin C and vitamin E in cabbage will also produce a synergistic combination to kill breast cancer cells.

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