is a kind of fruit that much-loved people as well if you see the
benefits of yakult for stomach acid, as you know also this fruit is not
only we encounter in traditional markets but also various supermarkets. Scientifically
the banana is a kind of fruiting plant from the tribe of Musaceae, and
the banana itself is one type of tropical fruits with many variants. Characteristic of a banana has a cylindrical shape with a pointed tip. In addition there are also other characteristics of the banana fruit
form is located on the banana tree is usually arranged in groups and
menjari in a bunch, usually will be called a comb.

And unlike other fruit types and different if you see the benefits of rimbang, bananas have a lot of color when cooked. Starting from the general colors are yellow, orange, reddish, until dark green and the size is also different depending on the type of banana. There are bananas that are about the size of an adult's thumb up to as big as a toddler's arm. Usually bananas are not only consumed just like that, a lot of people who have innovated and have unique creativity to make food from bananas. This is certainly not only because of the delicious banana flavor but also because of the different nutritional content with the benefits of stingrays, on bananas that are very good for your health. The details of the nutritional content of bananas that we can convey.
The content of Banana Nutrition
- Potassium
- Calories
- Fiber
- Carbohydrate
- Sodium
- Glucose
- Protein
- Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D
- Calcium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Potassium
With the many nutrients in the banana is different from the benefits of branched lizard tail, so many people are happy to consume bananas. In order not to get bored they make a lot of creative innovations associated with bananas. Such as juice, diet foods, bananas and lemon juice, to various types of foods such as banana chocolate, banana nuggets, banana cheese and much more. Of course it is also because of the taste that is on the banana. As for the characteristics of a good banana fruit is a banana fruit that has a bit of color with a tinge of black flavor and sweet. In addition bananas are also very useful for your heart health, and the following details.The Benefits Of Banana Fruit For The Heart
Normalize the Heart Rate
those of you who have excessive anxiety that can make your heart rate
too fast or for those of you who have a tendency of heart rate is weak
different from the benefits of honey, you should consume lots of
bananas. Potassium content in bananas is very good to keep your heart rate
to stay normal by minimizing the level of excess stress that leads to
instability of your heart rate.
Prevent Heart Disease
Prevent Heart Disease
those of you who are currently in the teens, you should know that heart
disease is not only experienced by people who step on advanced age
only. For that you should always pay attention to health especially your heart. So that you do not get heart disease or sudden heart attack, you can consume bananas regularly every morning before breakfast. In addition to good for the diaet is also very good in the prevention of heart disease.
Maintaining Heart
Maintaining Heart
Healthin addition to normalize the heart rate, by eating bananas regularly, you are also able to maintain your heart health. With a healthy heart, you will be easy to run various activities. You will not easily feel tired, lethargic or weak. In addition you also will not be exposed to heart disease such as coronary heart or sudden cardiac arrest.
Prevent Recurrence of Heart Disease
Prevent Recurrence of Heart Disease
those of you who have a history of heart disease, you can prevent the
recurrence of heart disease by eating bananas before eating. it is very important for you to keep your heart disease from recurring easily. It would be very dangerous if your heart disease often relapse, this can also make a chest heart attack. You also have to spend costly to save your life. Therefore you can consume bananas as an effort to prevent them.
Relieves Heart Pain
Relieves Heart Pain
if you feel too tired to feel a little pain in the chest to the left
exactly in the heart or sometimes the heart beat fast until the pain as
if to explode. To overcome the pain you feel, you can try to rest for a while while eating bananas. Not only delicious but the content of nutrients in bananas can relieve pain that you feel at that time. This method is believed to be very effective in addition to not having any efeksamping.
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