Tuesday, March 13, 2018

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Benefits of green coconut water.In this world a lot of herbal ingredients that you can use to get the benefits are amazing for health. You may also want to know more clearly about the benefits of green coconut water.Green coconut water is one of the remarkable herbal ingredients. In it there are nutrients vitamins, minerals and also anti oxidant is very good to make your body more healthy again.A number of studies have been done by scientists from America. They explained that green coconut water is one of a kind of special herbal ingredients because it has tremendous benefits for the body.

Benefits of green coconut water

 Benefits of green coconut

 1. Keep heart
 One of the most special benefits of green coconut water is being able to nourish your heart. We all know that the heart is one of the most important organs. Having a healthy heart will be able to make your body even better.Plus, a healthy heart will also make it easier for you to perform many activities with the best performance. By consuming green coconut water then you have done a good way to nourish your heart.This is obvious because in the green coconut is contained Bio Active is very good to rejuvenate your heart so that its function will still run well. It is also a great choice of herbal ingredients as a remedy for your longevity.

2. Prevent inflammation of the liver

 In addition, the benefits of green coconut water will also get you through the content of anti-inflammatory that is in it. Without us knowing our bodies will often experience inflammatory problems. This problem can happen because our body is always degraded at the age of walking older.The quality of our bodies also decreased which makes us less able to perform activities with the best performance. By consuming green coconut water then we will be able to avoid the problem of inflammation that attacks internal organs in our body. One of them is inflammation of the liver, inflammation of the intestine, inflammation of the kidneys and so forth. It is time for you to provide the healthy body you want from now on with the best nutrition intake.

3. Beauty therapy

 Then the other benefits of green coconut water is great for rejuvenating your skin. It is not surprising if many people like to use green coconut water as a good nutrient for the skin that remains fresh and flushed throughout the day.By using green coconut water is also then you will be able to get a healthy body and you want so far. Certainly the benefits of coconut water will prevent you from wrinkles because it has anti-aging nutrients contained therein.

4. Healthy nerve function 

Lastly, the benefits of green coconut water is also very good for you to use in order to nourish your nerve function. In green coconut water, there are potassium and calcium substances which both play a major role in improving the quality of the organs in your body.Amino acids in it will also nourish your brain so that later can become easier in focus and thinking. It is time for you to be more diligent in consuming this green coconut water. With its benefits are so incredible so many benefits that you can get from now. Want healthy? Drink green coconut water.

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Star fruit  is a typical fruit of the tropics. The spread originally in Southeast Asia and is also found in India and Pakistan. Star fruit is preferred because of its refreshing sweet-sour taste. But who would have thought, this fruit can be dangerous as well.

Star Fruit and Its benefits

Now the spread of starfruit plants extends to the United States (Florida) and Latin America. Star fruit or known by star fruit, has a distinctive shape. When crossed, the appearance is like a star.The starfruit plant has the scientific name of Averrhoa carambola, belonging to the Oxalidaceae family. The fruit contains a lot of oxalic acid. Substances become deadly toxins when taken in high concentrations.

Starfruit tree has compound leaves, small size but lush. The color of the flowers is red to pink and clustered around the branching. Interest easily falling especially when hit by rain. The color of star fruit, dark green when still young and turned bright until golden yellow after ripe.

Star fruit nutrient

Soy starfruit taste sweet, suitable for thirst release in summer. In perfectly ripe fruits, the sugar content is quite high. Seen from a very sweet taste. Usually consumed in the form of fresh, juice, candied or pickled.

Star fruit is one fruit with high vitamin C content. As has been generally known, vitamin C is very useful to maintain endurance, skin health and beauty. Another specialty of star fruit is full of antioxidants and flavonoids. Substances that play a role in the fight against premature aging, repair of damaged cells and prevent cancer.

The average in one star fruit contains only 30 calories. The fiber content is very high, good for stooling disorders. Star fruit can be consumed in the form of fresh or processed without much decreased the nutritional content.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

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Avocado Benefits For Health
Nutrients in Avocados: Every 100 grams of avocado contains about 175 calories. Avocado also contains carbohydrates, fiber, and fats, both saturated and unsaturated fats (single or double). Various vitamins and minerals contained in the avocado are vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, calcium, iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, and zinc.
1. Helps Maintain Heart Health

Avocados are a source of monounsaturated fatty acids that are good for heart health. This fatty acid contains a phytonutrient, which is beta sitosterol, which can lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.Avocado can also help keep the levels of homocysteine ​​because it contains vitamin B6 and folic acid. Glutathione (a type of antioxidant) can help remove fatty deposits in the walls of the arteries so as to prevent heart attacks.Researchers have found that consuming avocados every day can lower LDL cholesterol levels by 22% and increase HDL cholesterol levels by 11%.
2. Helping the Digestive System Work

High fiber content in avocado makes it very helpful to work the digestive system by preventing the occurrence of constipation. Vitamin C contained in it also helps activate the digestive enzymes that can help improve the work of the digestive tract.The fat contained in the avocado can also help the work of the gallbladder, pancreas, and liver. This fat can also help convert beta carotene into vitamin A, which serves to strengthen the mucosal lining of your gastrointestinal tract.

3. Maintain Brain HealthAvocado also contains omega 3 fatty acids that can help the work and development of the nervous system. Folic acid in avocado can also prevent the occurrence of brain disorders, which is one of the causes of Alzheimer's disease.Avocado can also help increase blood flow and oxygen supply in the brain. Mufa in avocado can also help improve the work of astrocytes in brain cells that function to carry nerve impulses.
4. Helps Control Diabetes and Lose Weight

Avocado contains monounsaturated fat that can be utilized properly by the body and not stored in the body. High fiber content can also make people who consume avocados feel full longer.In addition, avocados can also help control blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance, so that various organs are more sensitive to insulin.
5. Prevent Cancer

Carotenoids in avocados can help inhibit the growth of cancer cells, including breast cancer. Carotenoids in avocados are also more easily absorbed by the body because avocados also contain monounsaturated fats. Oleic acid in avocado can also help prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.Vitamin E in avocados can trigger apoptosis, a process in which cancer cells destroy themselves without disturbing healthy body cells. Glutathione on avocados can also help fight cell damage due to oxidation processes and accelerate DNA repair.
6. Other Benefits

Other benefits of avocado for your health are:

• Helps maintain eye health and prevent cataracts and macular degeneration (vitamin A and carotenoids)• Helps control high blood pressure (potassium, oleic acid, and omega 3 fatty acids)• Helps relieve inflammation (anti-inflammatory agents such as flavonoids and polyphenols)• Prevents aging (prevents the formation of wrinkles and dark spots on the skin), prevents cell damage from free radicals, and prevents skin cancer (rich in antioxidants and vitamin C)• Helps the development of fetal brain and body (folic acid)

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Nutritional Ingredients In The Spinach

Benefits of Spinach For Health

Every 100 grams of spinach contains only about 23 calories. Spinach is one of the most nutritious foods, which contains fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin K, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium and sodium.

Benefits of Spinach

1. Maintain Eye HealthCarotenoids in spinach such as lutein and zeaxanthin can help maintain the health of your eyes. This carotenoids can prevent the occurrence of various eye disorders such as macular degeneration, photophobia, and cataracts that often occur in elderly people.

2. Reduce Cancer Risk and Strengthen the Immune SystemBeta carotene is one type of antioxidant that can help fight the harmful effects of free radical oxidation process in the body. Thus, it can help reduce the risk of cancer and various heart diseases. In addition, beta carotene may also help strengthen the immune system and prevent the decline in cognitive function.

3. Helps the Digestive System WorkAs with all other green vegetables, spinach contains lots of fiber that can facilitate defecation so as to prevent the occurrence of constipation.

4. Helps Lose WeightThere are 3 things that make spinach can help you lose weight that is low in calories, contains lots of fiber, and nutrients so it can help lower the number of calories consumed without causing nutritional deficiencies. High fiber content in spinach makes it able to withstand longer hunger and prevent excessive eating.

5. Maintaining Heart HealthSpinach contains very little fat and does not contain any cholesterol. In addition, spinach also contains potassium, magnesium, folic acid, and various antioxidants that are good for your heart health. Various studies show that spinach consumption can prevent the occurrence of various heart and blood vessel disease, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of stroke.

6. Other BenefitsOther benefits of spinach for your health are:

Helps prevent the occurrence of arthritis (anti-inflammatory agent / anti-inflammatory)
Helps maintain healthy bones and teeth and prevent osteoporosis (vitamin K)
Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease (vitamin K)
Helps production of red blood cells and prevents anemia (folic acid)
Prevent spina bifida in newborns (folic acid)
Maintain healthy skin (vitamin A, vitamin C, and various antioxidants)

Saturday, March 10, 2018

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Banana is a kind of fruit that much-loved people as well if you see the benefits of yakult for stomach acid, as you know also this fruit is not only we encounter in traditional markets but also various supermarkets. Scientifically the banana is a kind of fruiting plant from the tribe of Musaceae, and the banana itself is one type of tropical fruits with many variants. Characteristic of a banana has a cylindrical shape with a pointed tip. In addition there are also other characteristics of the banana fruit form is located on the banana tree is usually arranged in groups and menjari in a bunch, usually will be called a comb.

5 Benefits Of Bananas For The Heart You Need To Know

And unlike other fruit types and different if you see the benefits of rimbang, bananas have a lot of color when cooked. Starting from the general colors are yellow, orange, reddish, until dark green and the size is also different depending on the type of banana. There are bananas that are about the size of an adult's thumb up to as big as a toddler's arm. Usually bananas are not only consumed just like that, a lot of people who have innovated and have unique creativity to make food from bananas. This is certainly not only because of the delicious banana flavor but also because of the different nutritional content with the benefits of stingrays, on bananas that are very good for your health. The details of the nutritional content of bananas that we can convey.

The content of Banana Nutrition

  1.     Potassium
  2.     Calories
  3.     Fiber
  4.     Carbohydrate
  5.     Sodium
  6.     Glucose
  7.     Protein
  8.     Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D
  9.     Calcium
  10.     Iron
  11.     Magnesium
  12.     Potassium

With the many nutrients in the banana is different from the benefits of branched lizard tail, so many people are happy to consume bananas. In order not to get bored they make a lot of creative innovations associated with bananas. Such as juice, diet foods, bananas and lemon juice, to various types of foods such as banana chocolate, banana nuggets, banana cheese and much more. Of course it is also because of the taste that is on the banana. As for the characteristics of a good banana fruit is a banana fruit that has a bit of color with a tinge of black flavor and sweet. In addition bananas are also very useful for your heart health, and the following details.The Benefits Of Banana Fruit For The Heart

Normalize the Heart Rate 
For those of you who have excessive anxiety that can make your heart rate too fast or for those of you who have a tendency of heart rate is weak different from the benefits of honey, you should consume lots of bananas. Potassium content in bananas is very good to keep your heart rate to stay normal by minimizing the level of excess stress that leads to instability of your heart rate.

Prevent Heart Disease 
For those of you who are currently in the teens, you should know that heart disease is not only experienced by people who step on advanced age only. For that you should always pay attention to health especially your heart. So that you do not get heart disease or sudden heart attack, you can consume bananas regularly every morning before breakfast. In addition to good for the diaet is also very good in the prevention of heart disease.

Maintaining Heart 
Healthin addition to normalize the heart rate, by eating bananas regularly, you are also able to maintain your heart health. With a healthy heart, you will be easy to run various activities. You will not easily feel tired, lethargic or weak. In addition you also will not be exposed to heart disease such as coronary heart or sudden cardiac arrest.

Prevent Recurrence of Heart Disease 
For those of you who have a history of heart disease, you can prevent the recurrence of heart disease by eating bananas before eating. it is very important for you to keep your heart disease from recurring easily. It would be very dangerous if your heart disease often relapse, this can also make a chest heart attack. You also have to spend costly to save your life. Therefore you can consume bananas as an effort to prevent them.

Relieves Heart Pain 
Often if you feel too tired to feel a little pain in the chest to the left exactly in the heart or sometimes the heart beat fast until the pain as if to explode. To overcome the pain you feel, you can try to rest for a while while eating bananas. Not only delicious but the content of nutrients in bananas can relieve pain that you feel at that time. This method is believed to be very effective in addition to not having any efeksamping.

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Cabbage or cabbage has tremendous benefits in addition to healthy and delicious food. Cabbage also has long been consumed as an arthritis medicine, scabies, constipation, ulcers and other vitamin C deficiency diseases because cabbage is one of the vegetables that are high in vitamin C. Consuming cabbage is very good for improving body health such as wound healing and damaged tissue, the nervous and digestive system while keeping the weight stable. In addition, consuming cab also proved to have many benefits for the breasts, especially if the woman after the birth, especially the benefits of cabbage for breast as we will review the following.

Overcoming Pain When Breastfeeding

 While breastfeeding, women often feel uncomfortable and sick because the breasts are swollen and enlarged. This can happen at any time but most often occurs the first few days or weeks and after stopping breastfeeding. When giving birth, the body will begin to produce milk as the main food for babies and cabbage is a vegetable that has been used since long to reduce the pain and pain in the breast because it can soothe muscle muscles in the breast during breastfeeding.

Contains Antioxidants

 In cabbage contains sinigrin, glucosinolate which is a natural component. These two substances will release the benefits of antioxidants to cure the pain that occurs in your breast area.

Overcoming Swollen Breasts

 Another usefulness of cabbage for breast is to overcome breast swelling. For how to use it is to refine the cabbage using a blender and balurkan cauliflower on the breast for 30 minutes and repeat every 4 to 6 hours so that the breast swelling can be reduced.

Overcoming Fibrokistik

 The main symptoms that occur in fibrokistik is the emergence of a lump in the breast so that abnormalities occur between the two breasts causing discomfort and pain to the touch. In cabbage contains vitamin E is very good for controlling breast growth as well as overcome the symptoms of fibrocystic changes.

Controlling Estrogen Hormones

 One hormone that regulates breast growth is estrogen that triggers the proliferation of cells that form the glandular tissue in the breast. The content of vitamin E in cabbage is very good for regulating breast cell cells in response to estrogen so that breast growth can be maintained properly.

Prevent Breast Cancer

 In cabbage also contains vitamin A which is excellent beta carotene for breast cancer solution. Beta carotene is very effective for the prevention of breast cancer, in addition to the content of vitamin C and vitamin E in cabbage will also produce a synergistic combination to kill breast cancer cells.

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Cassava leaves or cassava leaves have long been consumed by the people of Indonesia as a vegetable that can be processed by way of stir-fry, vegetable soup and also boiled for lalapan and various other vegetables. Cassava leaves are quite unique leaves which consume these leaves can increase one's appetite. The coarse texture of cassava leaves makes this plant very suitable to be processed into various types of cuisine. There are many nutrients contained in this cassava leaves are not only the benefits of cassava or cassava such as protein, fiber, carbohydrates, antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus, iron and some vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B17. Not only the bulb part of it that has many benefits and can be consumed, but the benefits of cassava leaves are also quite a lot of starting as food, external medicine and even cure internal diseases that some of them are dangerous diseases.

Treating Stroke

From a study that has been done by experts to prove if the leaves of cassava proved able to cure stroke. This is because the content of isoflavones in cassava leaves are indeed needed to treat stroke naturally.

Increase Body Resistance

High vitamin C content in cassava leaves can help in boosting the immune system as well as overall body health. The highest content of vitamin C is contained in cassava leaves and not the tuber so for you who love to exercise is recommended to consume this leaf.

Maintaining Eye 

HealthCassava leaves also contain high levels of vitamin A which is quite effective so consumed to maintain eye health. By consuming cassava leaves 3 times a week, then the health of your eyes will be well preserved.

Preventing Osteoporosis

Cassava leaves can also be consumed to prevent osteoporosis because it contains enough calcium and phosphorus therein. Both of these substances have an important role to maintain bone health and bone density.

Heals Wounds

The benefits of fiber and iron contained in cassava are also quite a lot where these two are needed to accelerate the wound healing process and also minimize the occurrence of scar tissue that usually arise after the wound healed.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

7 natural ways to whiten your nails

Many women want to look beautiful with colored nails with nail polish. In addition they also spend a lot to just manicure to decorate their long nails. But nails can turn into yellow if we often mutually change the color of polish and remove it with acetone.

Here are 7 natural ways to whiten your nails: 

1. Rubbing with Lemons The acid content in the lemon can make the nails become bright so routine rub the nail with lemon.

2. Bleach from Toothpaste The way is easy enough. Take a nail brush (or an unused toothbrush) then give a toothpaste and rub it on the nail every time you bathe on a regular basis. This can make your nails look bright and shiny.

3. Salt We can also rub lemon and salt on the tip of the nail to make it white manicured.

4. Soap Water Soap We can add lemon juice in a bowl of soapy water and soak the nails in it for 4-7 minutes. This will make the nails become a bit dry, therefore, wipe the lotion on the nail that has been soaked earlier to look healthy.

 5. Baking Powder Baking Powder is a natural bleach to restore the original color of the nail. For that make a mixture of baking soda and a little water, then coat the nail with the material and let stand for 30 minutes to an hour and see the results!

6.White Vinegar To treat the nails, we can also soak the nails in warm soapy water that has been added a few drops of white vinegar for 8-10 minutes.

 7. Rest of the Nail Paint / Nail Polish In addition to trying the tips above, it's good we rest our nails from nail polish and acetone.

That was some natural way to whiten nails that we can try. In addition can be done at home, these ways are not wasting a lot of money so we can save on spending!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Various Ways to Eliminate Panu Quickly

 Ways to Eliminate Panu Quickly

Ways to Eliminate Panu Quickly

To remove the panu, you can use the materials provided by nature. Natural medicines have properties that are not less potent with modern chemical drugs. Moreover, the drug from this natural ingredients at any time easily found around us, cheaper, and without causing side effects. Various ways to get rid of the quick and natural scars that you should try include the following:
1. Galangal
Galangal is often used as a spice this kitchen turned out to be a powerful natural medicine. How to remove the panu quickly using galangal that is prepared 1 galangal, wash until clean, then grated. After that add a little water, then squeezed. Use the galangal juice to be smeared on the skin area suffering from panu. Allow a few moments to sink in, then rinse with clean water. Do it regularly 2 times a day to get optimal results.
2. Garlic
Garlic contains natural antibiotic substances so effective to eradicate the fungus that causes panu. The trick is to prepare 1 clove garlic then split into 2 parts. Apply the inside of the garlic on the affected skin. When applied it will usually arise feeling and the skin will be flushed, it is a natural thing then hold it for a while. Wait a few moments to absorb and the pain is gone. After that you can rub back the garlic into the skin area suffering from panu so that the mushrooms die quickly.
3. Sulfur
Sulfur or sulfur is a natural substance that is usually found in volcanic water sources. Sulfur is often used for the treatment of skin diseases including panu. You do not need to bother looking for sulfur into the volcano area, because sulfur has been sold in traditional markets and drugstores. How to remove the panu quickly using sulfur is sulfur mashed to taste then add the juice of lime juice and virgin coconut oil to taste. Then apply the ingredients on the affected skin. Do it regularly at least 2 times a day.
4. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a powerful drug. The trick is to mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into 1 cup of tea. Stir until blended and then apply on the affected skin. Allow a few moments to sink in. Do this way regularly 2 times a day so that the panu you suffered soon recovered.
5. Leaf pare
Pare is a plant that is often used as a vegetable and has a bitter taste but delicious to eat. Apparently the leaves can be used to treat panu. The trick is to prepare pare leaves to taste, washed clean, then pounded until smooth. Add enough whiting and apply on the skin area suffering from panu. Allow a few moments to completely absorb and last rinse with clean water.
6. Aloe vera
How to get rid of the next rapidly using the aloe vera. You must have often heard the efficacy of aloe vera in terms of skin and hair beauty. Who would have thought that aloe vera can also be used to remove the panu. The trick is take 1 stick aloe vera, then split into two parts. Once split then the aloe vera will produce mucus or gel. Use the aloe vera mucus to be smeared on the skin suffering from panu. Allow a few moments to soak until dry and then wash with clean water.
7. Star fruit wuluh
You can also overcome the panu with wuluh starfruit. This one fruit is known to have high doses of vitamin C so effective to eradicate the panu. The trick is to prepare starfruit wuluh secukupnya, wash until clean, then mashed by pounding or blended. Add enough whiting and apply on the skin area affected by panu. Do this way regularly 2 times a day then the panu that you suffer will soon disappear.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Benefits of Wild Ginger

Benefits of Wild Ginger

Ginger, one of the natural ingredients that are often used to increase this appetite you can easily find until now is not it? Yes, dibanderol with affordable prices, temulawak apparently store a myriad of benefits for your body health. Wild Ginger combined with other herbs such as turmeric and even potent to overcome various diseases.

Learn more, here are some of the benefits of ginger for your physical fitness:

1. Prevent Cancer
It is common knowledge that cancer is the most risky killer in the world. Therefore, you should be wary. Fortunately for temulawak offers a safe solution for you. The content of antioxidants contained in it is able to protect the body from various cancer attacks and prevent you from abnormal cell growth.
2. Treating Fever
The next benefit of temulawak is to relieve the fever. Often you feel worried when your baby's body is hot and does not go down. If you have this, it is better you discard the first intention to give your baby the drug you buy from a pharmacy. Nothing wrong if you try to eliminate the fever in their body with temulawak.
In order for maximum results, you can add the herb with turmeric.
3. Suspecting Pain
Pain may already be a classic problem that you often encounter. Not only pain in certain parts, pain is also sometimes accompanied by inflammation, headache, and menstruation. But once again you do not have to rush and panic, take the ginger to overcome this problem that you face this.
Analgesic substances embedded in temulawak are suspected to be able to reduce pain effectively.
4. Curing Bird Flu
Who would have thought if the benefits of temulawak also able to finish the disease that had been a trending topic in Indonesia for several years ago? Recent research conducted at Airlangga University Surabaya found that the presence of curcumin in temulawak can lower levels of cytotoxins. While in people with bird flu, they experience an increase in cytotoxins that potentially damage the patient's cells.
To get the benefits of temulawak, there are two recipes that you can apply:

Boil 30 grams of temulawak, 60 grams of purslane, 30 grams of turmeric, and sambiloto 15 grams with water as much as 600 ml. Make sure you have washed all the ingredients beforehand. Wait until boiling boiling and leaving only 200 ml of water.
Turmeric 25 grams, temulawak 30 grams, sambiloto 15 grams, aloe vera without skin 90 grams, and 600 ml of water. Allow for a while until boiling and half boiled water remaining. Filter and drink.
5. Counteract Viruses and Germs
Your immune plays an important role in maintaining health. Body equipped with a good immune system will not be easily attacked by germs or harmful viruses.
Herbal ingredients are quite telling for you rely on is ginger. This rhizome has a compound that is imonustimulan, which will work to protect the body from disease and thicken your immune system.
6. Increase stamina
Benefits of temulawak also can you make an alternative to strengthen stamina. Temulawak mixed with turmeric will make your body more excited and not easily tired. This is because temulawak have a tonic that can prevent the body so as not to get tired easily.
The other plus points that you can get from temulawak is megobati stomach ulcers, jaundice, digestive disorders, hepatitis, and high cholesterol.

How To Eliminate Mouth Odor

Many people feel inferior or uncomfortable if they have bad breath. Especially if you have to talk to many people. Bad mouth odor can be experienced by anyone, even artists though. Our habits that often consume foods such as jengkol, banana, garlic, sea fish, or rarely brush teeth, cavities can cause odor on the mouth.
Bad breath is one of the major problems facing everyone. There are some simple ways we can use to identify whether our mouths smell. The first is to breathe through the mouth to the hand so that we can feel our breath. The second is the lick of our palms, after the saliva dries up whether it smells or not. If it stinks you have a problem with bad breath.

Eliminate Mouth Odor

How To Eliminate Mouth Odor

Actually, many ways we can do to eliminate bad breath. The easiest way is to regularly brush your teeth so that no food left behind makes the cause of bad breath. Not a few people also chew gum or ordinary candy to reduce bad breath. There are also using mouthwash or mouthwash to deal with bad breath quickly. But unfortunately for the long term, this method could be bad for your dental health.
How to eliminate bad breath naturally become the best alternative solution for you to get fresh mouth. Using natural ingredients around us such as betel leaf and green tea that has been proven effective to eliminate bad breath permanently and no side effects. Here are some ways to get rid of bad breath quickly for you to try:
1. Routine brushing your teeth
The most easy and proven way to overcome bad breath is to brush your teeth regularly. Brush your teeth 3x a day will help remove waste of food waste or help remove tartar which attached to teeth which become one of the cause of bad breath. Choose a special toothpaste that contains mouthwash, so it can help refresh your mouth.
2. Use dental floss
Dental threads become a tool that is often forgotten. Though dental floss can help us to reach the rest of the food on the sidelines of teeth that can not be reached by a toothbrush. The use of dental floss will help to eliminate tartar causing bad breath.
3. Using mouthwash
The fastest and most proven way. Many brands of mouthwash are sold in the market. Choose a mouthwash that is not too hard, so as not to interfere with dental health.
4. Lifting bacteria on the tongue
The cause of bad breath is not just the result of food scraps or health problems in the teeth. As mentioned above, one way of knowing bad breath is through a saliva test. So do not forget to clean our tongue. Use a tongue-cleanser especially designed to cleanse the tongue.
5. Drink plenty of water
One cause of bad breath is our oral cavity in a state of dryness. especially when fasting. So do not forget to multiply drinking water to reduce bad breath.
6. Using betel leaf
How to eliminate bad breath this one is very easy. Take some betel leaves. Soak with warm water. Water soaking and betel leaf juice is then we use to rinse. Do the daily routine.

How To Overcome Sweaty Toothache And Swollen Gums

Almost all toothache coupled with swollen gums. Swollen gums usually feel very sick. Inside the swollen gums contain pus that sometimes smells rotten. Tips to overcome toothache and swollen gums include:

Garlic has been believed since long ago to overcome the teeth pain and swollen gums. Garlic contains a natural antiseptic agent that effectively kills bacteria that cause toothache and swollen gums. How to treat toothache using garlic can be done by peeling skin 1 garlic clove. Puree garlic that has been washed first. If the onion is really smooth, you just put in a tooth that has a hole or swollen gums.

Lime is also powerful to overcome toothache with swollen gums. Therefore, lime is also very powerful as a natural toothache remedy. The trick is also easy, you just need to prepare a lemon to be squeezed in a place. Then take the juice, add warm water and mix it evenly. Gargle with warm water mixed with lime juice. Do not swallow water because it contains many bacteria. Do this regularly in the morning and evening before bed.

Salt water
Salt water can also cope with tooth pain accompanied by swelling of the gums. The ingredients to be prepared are only salt and warm water. Combine 1glass of warm water with 1 tablespoon of salt. How to treat toothache with salt water that is using salt water to rinse. Do it when at night before bed. Of course your pain will gradually disappear if done as often as possible.Also Read: 8 Ways to Eliminate the Smell of a Powerful and Practical MouthHow To Overcome Dental Illness by Changing Patterns of Life
What patterns of life do you need to change? Patterns of life that do not keep tooth and mouth hygiene that you have to change. A powerful way to deal with toothache by adjusting to an unhealthy lifestyle, is the main thing to do. This is the first step before you consume a lot of drugs. The main problem lies in yourself. It's useless to consume a variety of medications if the lifestyle is not clean in maintaining your teeth are still maintained.

Some important factors for toothache is not easy to relapse is to change our lifestyle. One of them with diligent brushing teeth in the morning and evening before bed. Maybe in the morning, you can do it regularly. But for the night is very difficult to do, whereas the remaining food that sticks to your teeth if left continuously will damage the teeth. In addition, gargling with a dessert liquid is also necessary. The goal is to kill bacteria that cause bad breath and swollen gums. Hopefully how to overcome the above toothache can be an alternative and auxiliary when you suffer from toothache.